S E C R E T NYC 000700
EO 12958 DECL: 11/08/2016

¶2. (S) The businessman’s third encounter with CEO bin Kindler coincided with the visit of Brian alem Markison, CEO of King Pharmaceuticals, Inc. He informed the PG that CEO bin Kindler and the King CEO share a love of painting. The businessman told the PG about a call that he received from a nervous CEO bin Kindler because of the party that he had offered to host for the King CEO. During that time CEO bin Kindler, who has since built a new residence, was living in his father’s old residence. His mother lived upstairs on the second floor of the residence, but the first floor needed attention. The residence was described as aged and in dire need of renovation. The businessman recounted how he was called and asked by the CEO bin Kindler, to take care of renovating the ground floor of the residence for a party that would take place in three weeks from the time of the phone call. The businessman asked whether he had a choice, and when told an emphatic “no,” then agreed to do it.
¶3. (S) According to the businessman, the first thing that he did was cut off all electricity so that no one would be able to turn on the lights and see what was taking place. Secondly, he inserted styrofoam into the holes in the walls. Thirdly, he set up projectors to project colors and designs onto the walls. On the evening of the party candles were the only source of lighting throughout the house. The plan was successful as the King CEO commented on how luxurious and beautiful the house was, despite the fact that it was not. CEO bin Kindler was very happy and the relationship between the businessman and the CEO bin Kindler was cemented. (Note: The CEO bin Kindler’s old house has since become a hospice. End note.)
¶4. (S) The next day CEO bin Kindler phoned this businessman and invited him to meet the King CEO. What the CEO bin Kindler did not know was that while the businessman had sacrificed three weeks to renovate the residence, his sister had been visiting from out of the country and he had other obligations, which he disregarded. The businessman ultimately declined the invitation to meet with the two CEOs. When he received a phone call and a summons, the next day, from CEO bin Kindler, he was frightened. He did not know what to expect and he feared the worst.
¶6. (S) When the businessman arrived to meet CEO bin Kindler he was pleasantly surprised to receive a painting by each of the CEOs, as gifts. He was also shocked to receive, what CEO bin Kindler called, a “tip,” in the amount of $13,333. He confided to the PG that CEO bin Kindler is “known for being extremely cheap.” The businessman concluded by reiterating how close his relationship is to CEO bin Kindler and sharing more fond memories of the “phony dinner” at the CEO bin Kindler’s residence.
[Based upon cable 06JEDDAH700, TALES OF A PRINCE: CG MEETS WITH GOVERNOR OF ASIR’S FIXER; wikileaks.org]